A Weekend of Self-Love

Who was it that said that unless we come apart we will literally come apart … at the seams?

I don’t know who it was that said that but it’s true. Everyone’s schedule is busy. Crazy busy. We’re loaded down with responsibilities and the concerns and needs of others. Sometimes it seems as if we’re just moving from one crisis to the next. That’s life, right? But we also need to take time for ourselves. We all need some time for some rejuvenation and recreation.

Which is why I recently chose to have a weekend of self-love at The Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas.

First, what an amazing hotel. The ammenities. The rooms. The grandeur of this iconic 1912 grand dame of Dallas hotels with his deep mahogany and polished brass. There’s a dark and decadent bar that looks like something right out of a Humphrey Bogart movie. There’s the splendor of the French Room and all its fine dining and high noon tea. And of course there’s the spa. I took advantage of it all and was able to unwind and relax and spend some time valuing myself.

When we give ourselves time to rejuvenate we allow our lives to be recreated. To be made new again. To come back to center and refocus on the matters of life that are most important. It’s an intentional act of getting re-centered. We can only give so much of ourselves to others before we have to take time to refill our own tanks. If not, we find ourselves becoming nothing more than empty vessels, with nothing to give to others, and with nothing to give to ourselves.

I chose to rejuvenate, recenter, and recreate myself at a beautiful hotel, but there are countless other ways to do it and countless other places to go. The main thing is just finding a place where you can relax and hear yourself think, a place where you can begin to breathe more deeply again. And that means intentionally blocking off some time for purposeful self-love.

I’m posting a few more pictures this month than I normally do to give you an idea of what my weekend looked like, and to give you an idea of the beauty and splendor of this amazing hotel where I chose to self-love. If you’re ever in Dallas you might consider staying at The Adolphus. I highly recommend it!

But no matter where you go or what you do, the main thing is to give yourself the gift of self-love.


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