Genre Blending A New Kind of Mystery

The Simple of Art of Lust will be released on July 24th!

I’m so excited to announce that next month will see the publication of my first Laci Kicklighter Secret Sins, Inc. Mystery novella. It’s called The Simple Art of Lust, and the eBook can already be pre-ordered on Amazon. I’ll have the print version ready to go by the release day of July 24th.

In the story, Laci discovers that a pastor with an unusual kink has been found murdered in his own church, and soon thereafter, Laci is hired by his sister to retrieve a painting he helped make while having sex with an artist. But as Laci begins to investigate the day the pastor was killed, the real question becomes who had the most to gain from his death. Was it the artist who needed his painting or the sister who needed his church? To uncover the truth, Laci will need to make her own erotic painting while making very erotic love, which means getting naked, getting naughty, and getting nasty with paint.

Needless to say, this is not a mystery off of your father’s bookshelf.

The Simple Art of Lust is just one example of a growing trend of genre blending that is resulting in some modern erotic mysteries that weren’t around a decade ago. Jordyn Kross has written two such genre-blending gems: Dirty Daisy and its sequel, Hell Hath No Furry. Another example is Logan Black’s The Money Shot. Black’s work is unquestionably an erotic hardboiled mystery. Think Sam Spade from The Maltese Falcon, only this time, you actually get to read the scenes of him frolicking with his dead partner’s wife. The stories by Kross are great examples of an erotic cozy mystery. Did you see the play on words in the title of the sequel? There’s even a cat in the story and on the cover, just like a traditional cozy. Talk about a triple dose of blending! Who knew you could blend a genre that is known for its underplay of sex and violence with the kind of steamy scenes found in the Dirty Daisy series?

When I set out to write the Secret Sins, Inc. series, I wanted to take advantage of this new trend in genre-blending and write erotic mysteries that are smart, suspenseful, and very sensual. And I hope that when you turn that last page and close the book, you’ll still be thinking about the story, the courage and mistakes of the characters, the lessons learned as they unraveled the mystery, and all the sensual, sexy drama in every chapter.

By the way, you don’t have to wait until the end of July to get your first dose of Secret Sins, Inc. Sign up for my monthly newsletter, “A Secret Shared,” and I’ll send you the very first Laci Kicklighter mystery. It’s a novelette, and it’s called The Bullet That Found Its Mark. It’s the sizzling story of the incredibly sexy Sherlock meeting her extremely capricious Watson in their very first-ever erotic mystery. And it’s yours free just for signing up to receive “A Secret Shared” on my website. (

Oh, and one more thing, a third Secret Sins Inc. novella releases at the end of August. This one is called The Story of Q, and if you are a fan of Pauline Réage’s The Story of O, then you probably already have a pretty good idea of where this one is going!

If you’re looking for some new cross-genre mysteries to dive into this summer, take a look at the books by Jordyn Kross and Logan Black. And, of course, don’t forget to jump into the new Laci Kicklighter erotic mysteries. You can get your first one for free right now just for signing up for “A Secret Shared.”

Get the first three Laci Kicklighter erotic mysteries today! The first one is free just for signing up for “A Secret Shared.”


Four Fun Facts About My New Novella


Meet Laci Kicklighter